A Date with Judy
10 December 2020
A quickie follow-up to 'Down Among the Z-Men' enhanced by a couple of outdoor scenes (including one for which producer F.J.Fancey wangled the loan of a helicopter) with the less funny half of the original Goons performing a few skits in support of revue star Hy Hazel and chorus girls dressed as Charlie Chaplin, gym instructresses and boxing seconds. (After naughty references to coshes and cocaine a happy ending is facilitated by a truely surreal final sight gag.)

In Sellars's absence his perennial sidekick Graham Stark returns from the earlier film. Also featuring are Fancey's daughter Audrey Scott in heavy-framed glasses and a sweater, and Freddie Frinton (not drunk for once, not that you'd notice) dressed like Tom Baker's Dr Who.
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