Difficult to watch but good character study
8 December 2020
Let me be upfront about the whole thing & say that this film is difficult to watch. So much so that it took me multiple sittings to get through it. However, I am still glad that I stuck with it because as far as dysfunctional families go, this is a gold mine. All the characters obviously have familial affection but they can't forgive each other for past indiscretions. Each knows that they are failing to connect as a family but believes it to be someone else's fault. Having known two such families on a very personal level, I am amazed at how close this is to reality!

The matriarch of this family is a drug addict who loves her family dearly. But she also resents them for various reasons: her husband for being a miser & cheating on her, her elder son for being jealous and infecting his younger sibling in childhood (the sibling died of the infection) and her youngest son for the complications surrounding his birth, which led to her addiction. The family too loves her in return but resent her for not having enough strength and self-discipline to overcome the addiction, even though they also indulge in overdrinking! The father resents his sons for being lazy and often compares their 'privileged' upbringing to his own miserable upbringing. His absolute fear of poverty makes him unable to provide proper medical assistance to his family. Besides resenting his parents for their obvious failings, the elder son resents his youngest brother for being better liked by the parents & also for being more talented than him. And if you thought that the matters could not get any worse, the youngest son is diagnosed with TB! This family, which was already doing very poorly, is shaken to its core. And all you can do as a viewer is listen to each and every member & sympathize because they have all reached a point of no return. There is equal parts love & hate in their relationships & even the viewer can see that not much can be done to avoid further heart break & alienation that is soon to follow.
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