Lukewarm horror/adventure hybrid
8 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
THE BLACK CASTLE is a late-stage Universal horror flick, although despite some amusing plot ingredients it plays more like a straight adventure yarn. Richard Greene - TV's Robin Hood - and a token blonde head off to stay at a gothic castle, where he has a vendetta with the sinister, one-eyed and apparently urbane owner. What follows is a tale of murder and madness, but those expecting something full-bodied will be disappointed by this film's tame look and feel. On the plus side, the acting is pretty good, and there are two horror titans in the cast, but both are wasted in nothing parts. Lon Chaney Jr. has what amounts to a cameo at most as hulking mute manservant, while Boris Karloff gets more screen time as a genial doctor, but more should have been made of their presence.
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