Decent But Didn't Live Up to the Hype
8 December 2020
There are a LOT of reviews for this show (relative to k dramas, which usually only have 3 or 4), and most of them rave about this show. So naturally I had pretty high expectations. Unfortunately this didn't quite live up to the hype for me.

I will say this; this is one of the most relatable shows I've ever seen for those in their late 20s-late 30s. The pain and pressure surrounding the expectations of those in this age bracket is perfectly portrayed here, so much so that it was often difficult to watch.

However there was enough "bad" in this to leave me feeling a bit like I wasted my time. The show was pretty slow, and I found the last two episodes rather frustrating to watch. I felt like Se Hee's character was almost TOO emotionless and the reason they give for this isn't that great. Jung So Min is wasted here, as she is a great actress and blew me away in "The Smile Has Left Your Eyes," and in this her character is very underwhelming. And while this show IS very relatable, I found all the couples to be pretty annoying and lacking in chemistry. I also hated how fake the cat sounds were.

That being said, I definitely think this would be some people's jam for sure - it just failed to blow me away. I also would never re-watch this, and that is always something I consider in my rating.
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