The Mandalorian: Chapter 14: The Tragedy (2020)
Season 2, Episode 6
I'm worried people are getting lost in the hype
5 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Everything that happened in this episode was amazing in theory. Boba Fett officially returning was incredible to see. I get the hype, I truly do.

But this episode made no sense. Whatsoever.

From Fett's reasoning to team up with somebody he doesn't know or care about by the end, to Fett asking Mando to set down his...jet pack?...before the Empire attack, to Stormtroopers charging a staff wielding Boba Fett who has nowhere to take cover instead of keeping a distance and blasting him. It all screams corner cutting and lazy writing for the purpose of: cool Boba Fett action and, most damningly, moving the story on as fast as humanly possible.

I adore Filoni and I think Favreau is great too. But that doesn't mean everything they touch is gold just because Boba Fett got his armour back...
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