A bun in the oven .
30 November 2020
The subject was interesting : you're 49 and you're told you're pregnant ;shall I keep the baby whereas I have a daughter who's already a mother herself? a husband who is not enthused by the news.But there's a problem ,which is not hinted at in the movie and concerns the child himself : his parents will not be the picture the school books ,the advertisements, the magazines ,in a nutshell ,the everyday life shows .It's not always easy for a child to have parents who could be his/her grandparents and I know what I'm talking about.

This delicate topic demanded an intimate treatment ,who depicted the subtleties of the heart ,sensitiveness and an infinite tenderness;with such gifted actresses as Karine Viard and Helene Vincent, the project could have been successful.

Unfortunately ,one is becoming disenchanted from the first scene in the doctor's office: the GP is a caricature;called Dr Gentil (=Kind!), the actor (Gregoire Bonnet overplays and I would not even mention the dream and the fantasms of the future mom ;his acting sets the tone : if he is bad ,the daughter (Manon Kneusé ) ,squalling and intrusive ,is worse , the perfect clichéed "where-were-you-mom- when-I-needed -you?"); the dad is a coach for "sports-études" female athletes (special course for athletically-gifted pupils),and would you believe it? every time his pupils have an important competition , a new baby of his is born ; this rotten luck may repeat itself once more .Karine Viard ,poorly directed ,is crude (she suggests she give her hubby a b......job.)The young man from Quebec does not bring anything to the plot but his accent ;the son-in-law allows the screenwriters to illustrate the old "travail -famille-patrie " (work,family and homeland) tenet.And if it were not enough ,there's the final expected end ;and the obligatory song in English ("happiness?")

This bomb tries to blend comedy with elements of drama and loses on both counts: the possibility of an abortion in a Dutch clinic ,the pointless death of Mamylette (Grandma) , only a pretext to hear the daughter deliver a speech the viewer has heard a hundred times or more at the funeral ...or to show that (how subtle!) that life goes on.....
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