Review of Mother

Mother (2009)
Painfully slow, easily predictable
24 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
First off, I see a lot of people talking about "twists". Did anyone actually feel sympathy for mother and her son, and am I the only one who knew from the very first moment that they are two psychopaths? I mean everything about this woman screams psychopath, from Edip's complex kind of relationship that she has with the son, to the way she acts and talks, she's an encyclopedic example of a psychopath. The movie tries so desperately to make us believe that her son is innocent, but it fails miserably, the "twist" where we find out that he actually did commit a murder is no twist at all since I believed he did it from the very beginning. Also it's a bit too long and many scenes are a bit hard to believe, according to this movie Korea is one of the poorest country in the world and nobody ever locks their doors (??) After wasting two hours on this one, and giving up on Memories of the murder half way through because I was bored to death, I think I'll take a break from Korean "mysteries" for some time
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