she's negging him
23 November 2020
Fishing expert Roger Willoughby (Rock Hudson) is a salesman at Abercrombie & Fitch Co, an outdoors sports specialty retailer. Isolde 'Easy' Mueller (Maria Perschy) runs her family's fishing tournament and Abigail Page (Paula Prentiss) is her PR person. They convince Roger's boss to send him to compete in the tournament. He confesses to them that he has never fished in his life. He doesn't even like fish.

Legendary director Howard Hawks directed the great Bringing Up Baby and I can see the comparison. The leads have very similar characteristics. In the beginning, she's negging him and it's a very effective meet-cute for a rom-com. The back and forth is delightful. Of course, the comparison does not help. It could never be good enough to exceed the classic and any attempt would feel inadequate. One should accept this on its own although Prentiss is a very good copy. This is funny as its own movie.
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