Manhunt: Open Season (2020)
Season 2, Episode 10
FBI Fails to Be Humanized
21 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Despite admitting that they were wrong about Richard Jewell but did not go and apologized at all to him face to face. As the reporter, Kathy Scruggs would die of a drug overdose and Richard himself died of a heart attack due to his diabetes. But realy IMHO, he died of a broken heart

The FBI may be the elite but they show here they are the most arrogan, popmpous, t and the most holier than thou closed minded here. As they did not at all nearly could had sent Jewell to death row. But did not care about what others think. Really time to clean up there.

Only the ATF agent was the one I was rooting for along with Jewell. He came off decent and a team player despite one incident arguing for access with a Walmart employee/manager. When FBI agent Brennan began to change and work with ATF's Embry.

But really failed to humanize the agents. And that Louis Freeh the former director was played as overzealous and not wanting to change as he was part of the problem if not all.

The town despite some racist punks but had some good people there as they knew the area. Really the FBI could live and learn.
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