The Crown: The Hereditary Principle (2020)
Season 4, Episode 7
Helena Bonham Carter takes the main stage as Princess Margaret struggling with Mental Health.
21 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Must I say, Helena Bonham Carter's portrayal as Princess Margaret is impressive. HBC portays the Princess in her later years as a purpose driven (through the scene where she asked the Queen to give her more royal duties), but yet lost and struggled with both her physical and mental health declining. Peter Morgan's take on the secret cousins are bold, with a juxtaposition of the royal family celebrating Prince Edward's birthday with the Bowes-Lyon sister's celebration in the Royal Earlswood Hospital. HBC's portrayal of Princess Margaret shows empathy and also immense anger for the Royal Family's cover up on the secret cousins, shows that the Princess herself feels a similar sense of abandonment from the Royal Family all those years, with her royal duties replaced by Prince Edward adding on to it. I love episodes diving into individual Royal Family members, but I am absolutely blown away by HBC's performance in this episode.
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