Wildlife (2018)
I was glad to see this has been ported into the Criterion Collection.
20 November 2020
My third best film of 2018 and Paul Dano's directorial debut is a pensive session on the breakdown on the family unit in the 1960s (or what was thought of it). Young star Ed Oxenbould is captivating in his sobering role as Joe Bronson, the son of parents Jeannette and Jerry who are on the brink of meltdown. Between family and Jerry's desire to fight wildfires for the greater good at the salary of $1 an hour, between loyalty and Jeannette's eventual adultery- 'Wildlife' has so much to say about the human condition but refrains from cliche or showing the obvious.

The production team including Diego García go above and beyond in terms of cinematography, composition and editing to engage rather than impress; especially with the lustrous landscape that recalls the likes of 'Red Desert' and 'Brokeback Mountain'. Definitely check this out if you haven't.

Grade- A+. 4 out of 4 stars.
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