From Russia with Love (2005 Video Game)
Classic Bond game with love
18 November 2020
Games based on the James Bond franchise have always been hit or miss, this game fortunately is one of those hits, it's another really solid entry in the Bond video game franchise as well as another solid licensed game.

This was a different entry because here they were once again making a game based on an actual bond movie but one from the classic era. This I thought was a really cool concept, a lot of us that are both gamers and are Bond fans and have seen each of the different eras of Bond and probably thought this or that film could've made a good game.

It looks like that wish finally comes true with a film from the Connery era made into a game. I'll admit I honest never thought this would ever happen in almost a million years and I'm glad someone finally had the guts to make it reality, especially a much beloved entry in the franchise; though personally this isn't one of my favorite Bond entries but I'm fine with it all the same.

I really like how this game really gets a lot of the film and its story to a tee. From the graphical presentation which I thought was sold as it was able to reproduce an era of James Bond long gone. We get most of the famous scenes from the film as well as storyline, so if your familiar with the film they you can easily remember and even see what's about to come in the game.

However, like with most licensed video games they've added plenty of things which of course is a way to make the game a little longer and provide more gameplay. But I also feel enhances the game to make it stand on it's own as this game sort of feels like an alternative version of the original film which makes it all the more interesting, even adds a bit more to the original storyline without hurting it.

Really like the voice acting as it surprising consists of some of the original cast members of the film, thankful they got there just in time because like a lot of fans I'm not sure I would want it any other way. It was a real treat hearing one of my favorite actors Sean Connery reprise his signature role for the first and last time in a video game and last time in general. It's true his voice right now might not fit perfectly like a glove for what he was back then, though same can be said for a few of the actors reprising their roles in the "Doctor Who" audio plays from Big Finish; however like them it really didn't bother me because after a while I got use to it and strangely it felt right.

The gameplay is sold, there is plenty of variety as each stage you go though you do something different which keeps the game fresh and is true to Bond fare as being constantly busy doing different things is what James usually does in all his films.

You have the standard run and gun/stealth action which are solid if nothing amazing. Really like you have a targeting system where you can focus on the target you want to take down and changes color to indicate the target is weakened and then neutralized. But also there is some sort of focus system when your in stealth attack mode or a certain distance from you enemy, in this system there are little targets on them circled, once you hit them at those spots their taken down instantly. This is a good tool to use to save ammo, good precise kills but mainly to disable you enemy of whatever tools they must thwart you like a communication device or a big gun.

Really like that you get to use Q's gadgets in places of the game, even like the look of them as their old-fashioned tech but due to the era this Bond was in they were high tech. And the gadgets are still interesting because of how ahead of their time they were, like the RC chopper you control to go inside and detonate is like the drone tech we have now.

The driving sequences are solid, the car handles well and like the look of it as it's the trademark classic 007 car the Aston Martin. Their fun as some of them are you standard drive from point A to B without dying or even chase sequences which are slightly similar to the arcade game "Chase H.Q." where you have to track and chase down one of the enemy cars and blow it away. Your car is armed with guns and missiles, using them is fun reminds me a little of the arcade game "Roadblasters". If your car is damaged and you run low on missiles, there is a special garage that is there for you to make a pit stop for repairs and reloading, then you're as good as new.

There are gunning sequences, like you're on a boat and you man a turret to take the bad guys down before they take you down. Sniping sequences which are a bit similar to the arcade game "Silent Scope" as you have the task of covering your buddy by nailing the bad guys from a distance before they nail him or even you.

Another really fun portion which is my favorite is when you get to use the rocket pack from "Thunderball" which is actually cool, as you have freedom to fly above ground however high or low you want. But what I really like is how you can gun down or shoot out missiles at any enemies stationed on the ground, flying jet packs or any flying vehicles gunning for you. Though this rocket pack doesn't make you bullet proof, so you still have to take evasive action and make sure you don't take too much damage. Thought there are also pit stops in this where you can land and then get a new jet pack and your good as new.

Only misfires of the game are there are some places where the difficulty ramps up a bit almost at a ridiculous level mainly in the shooting segments. Not to say they were unbeatable mainly due to the short length of them, but I felt they could of lightened up a bit like have a piece of armor to shoot and refuel your armor gauge a little.

Another is the upgrade system is kind of lame, despite the ability to buy upgrades I didn't feel there was too much difference in what I already have, except being able to carry more ammo and longer clips for longer shooting time. This could have been handled much better like being able to buy different kinds of parts for the guns you have, so you can build a better and more effective gun than before.

Overall a very solid James Bond game, if you a fan of the original film or of the bond franchise, or just simply like play spy and action games in general, then this entry is worth a shot.

Rating: 3 and a half stars
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