Good - back in 1959
17 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Alert: I am an Anne Frank nerd and know almost every detail about the story.

I recently read the book Anne Frank Remembered by Miep Gies and her and Bep were invited to the Amsterdam premiere of this movie in 1959, along with the Dutch queen. It sure must have been an event. The film is good for its time but currently we know much more about the lives of these events and people and this movie is only limited to the hiding period.

There are also a few errors in the movie:

Miep says to Otto that she was out searching for food during the arrest but in reality Miep was at the office.

Mrs van Pels said that when she was young she lived in Hilversum, Netherlands but she was from Osnabrück, Germany and only lived in Amsterdam in the Netherlands.

Mr Pfeffer said that his family had lived in the Netherlands for generations, however he came from Germany and had not lived in the Netherlands before.

Mr van Pels was accused of stealing food, an event that has not actually happened but was added to the movie for dramatic purposes.

The Hanukkah scene was lovely, though, with a lot o tension. I that scene you felt their fear whenever there was a burglary in the building. However, I would still recommend Anne Frank: The Whole Story (2001), as it is more detailed and accurate.
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