Criminal Minds: Date Night (2020)
Season 15, Episode 6
Love Cat, but this episode really ruined her
16 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Cat Adams is one of the best characters to have been on this show. Her sarcasm, wit, and all around personality is exciting and fun to watch. However, that is precisely why this episode is so bland and disappointing. It's so sad to see someone as great as Cat be cut down and boxed into an almost a fanfiction-like episode.

Despite the lacking plot, Aubrey Plaza still shines as Cat Adams and every moment she is on screen, she truly captures our attention with her humor and sass. The end scene with Cat and Reid was moving and makes one feel sympathetic to her as a character, falling from grace. The complexity of her character seems to be far bigger than the show writers could handle since the conclusion of all three of her appearances always dumbs her down to another girl with "daddy issues" and obsessed with Reid.

Maxine is extremely unlikeable here and the ending of this episode is so frustrating to watch. It's very convenient that Max was informed and going along with the whole thing. Her acting is unconvincing and she's completely bland as a character, especially so as a "Mary Sue character." The plot is too outlandish and disappointing. Reid was also surprisingly underwhelming. He definitely didn't feel like himself. Everything about this, including Reid, felt like a badly done fanfiction.

The beginning scene of this episode was eerie and done well. If it had been a regular case that had nothing to do with attacking the BAU (or Reid specifically), it would have had amazing potential. After that, everything continued to go downhill. It felt as if they wanted to have a crazy "twist" that everything was planned out at the end but it just didn't work and felt far too convenient. On a very minimal side note, Maxine's sister was not great. In the scene right before Juliette fired blanks at her father, I could've sworn Eloise randomly had a British accent or something which is not a huge deal but definitely threw me off.

Overall, this episode was disappointing and not that great. I wish it was more tightly structured and not as conveniently wrapped up as it was. Max still isn't a convincing character and Cat Adams was done so wrong by the writers. This episode should be rated way lower than it is, if not for Cat Adams.
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