Meet Me at Christmas (2020 TV Movie)
Was I supposed to hate Joan?
15 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Huh. I usually like these more. Some parts were refreshing, like the fact that it focused on people over the age of 45, with the kids being the secondary couple. The flashbacks to their initial day together were fun and sweet. Also, it wouldn't be a Hallmark movie without some of the old tropes, in this case, each side hearing half of the story and jumping to conclusions.

My biggest problem was Joan. I normally like Catherine Bell, but I have trouble figuring out what her acting choices were, because she mostly came off as having a very bad day through the whole story. I spent much of the time feeling sorry for Beau, who was too smitten to see how utterly miserable she was to be around. The audience should not be yelling for someone in the main couple to "RUN!" unless he or she is still with the unsuitable-current-one-who-is-about-to-get-dumped.

Not my favorite.
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