Confusing, Poorly Written, but Intriguing
15 November 2020
Firstly, if you were drawn to this series due to the WWII aircraft, I would say this show isn't for you, I would highly recommend "The Magnificent Kotobuki" as it portrays the aircraft in a matter that fits with it's own cannon, and what you might expect from aircraft from that era. If you do not care for the WWII aircraft, or if you want to see them blow stuff up, you still might be better off watching Magnificent Kotobuki. Now if you've read through that, here are my thoughts on how the show performs. The premise is very interesting, but the execution is about as poor as I have seen. It often presents characters and situations that are very promising, but destroys much of the foundation they build around these characters very quickly by presenting something that goes in stark contrast to what has just been shown to us. Probably the most Glaring example is Episode 4, a lot of viewers probably don't expect it, but a lot of characters die in the show, a surprising amount just after we really learn anything about them, "if" we learn anything about them. However Episode 4 is best described as "The Beach Episode" and has outrageously immersion breaking Comedy? I don't even know if I can say it is, because at least I did not find it very funny. Point of the matter is, the writing contrives and creates problems for our cast out of thin air, instead of establishing the rules and consistent set of character traits for the cast. The show keeps you entertained not by making twists or by creating drama, but by making the viewer uncertain of what is going to happen next. By that I mean the viewer will literally have no idea what is going to happen because the show does poorly with world building, and tells us rather than shows us what happens while taking very little time to explain, set up the stakes, or resolve previous conflicts in a neat matter. It still can be fun to watch due to the erratic and unpredictable nature of the show, and may somehow become a cult classic due to this nature. If you are looking for a show that will be meaningful to your time and intellect however, I would bank clear of this flak cloud.
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