Frozen Land (2005)
Eternal winter outside, eternal winter in their souls too!
14 November 2020
In my opinion, we don't learn anything from this movie...or maybe they want a movie about "so NO"!!! Characters are presented destroyed, unable to manage their existence, unable to ensure an inner and outer balance, characters waiting for someone else to come from outside to guide them, to tell them what to do. A decadent, vicious, powerless, aggressive, useless, incapable society is presented, a fiasco !!! Drugs, alcohol, depression, people without dreams of the future, without hopes for the better, without a model worthy of following in the family or in society, completely broken by their soul, by their heart. It's like they are broken dolls ... they only act for the reason of their limited mind, they can never access their heart, that's why their actions are catastrophic. If this film really illustrates the current situation in Finland, then they are worthy of all our compassion ... some frozen people, with an FROZEN HEART, as the title of the film suggests metaphorically. Eternal winter outside, eternal winter in their souls too! The good part of the film is the interpretation of the actors, the deep presentation of the psychological characteristics of the characters and trying to show that at a subtle level we are interconnected, so that an action done by an individual will influence a lot of other individuals.
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