Review of The Deep Ones

The Deep Ones (2020)
Torturous Tentacles
14 November 2020
The Deep Ones: A contemporary adaptation of the H.P. Lovecraft classic though it has the feel of a 70s/80s horror flick due to the camera filter used AND the clothes of the Dagon worshipers. It's also reminiscent of Rosemary's Baby given the subject matter and the way some scenes are shot. A couple rent an AirBnB near Ventura Beach and are greeted by the owners, an odd but friendly duo. It soon transpires that the locals are part of a Cult, many being hybrids with gills etc, due to a long tradition of interbreeding with the Deep Ones. Drugs, hypnotism, tentacles attacks and manic chases are interspersed with rituals on the beach. Dagon himself isn't too convincing (might be homage to old films) but it's all good Lovecraftian fun. Written and Directed by Chad Ferrin. 7/10.
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