Chick Fight (2020)
Legitimately Terrible Movie and Probably the Worst of 2020
14 November 2020
So I watched this turd, thinking some hot chicks fighting. It maybe so good it's bad.....NOPE!

It was bad from the beginning to the end. The "jokes" were not funny. Usually in terrible comedies, you can laugh at 1 maybe 2 jokes, but in this movie I did not laugh or smile once.

It's about a female fight club. I figured it was going to be an anti-man movie, it wasn't even that. In fact I am not sure why they fight other than work is hard.

This was an awful movie, lacking sex appeal. Despite having some gorgeous women and a few beasts of a women. Nothing was eye candy nor entertaining. No great romance or even point to the story. It's an aimless piece of horse manure.

I give this a generous 2 out of 10.
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