Review of Greenland

Greenland (2020)
Leave your brain at the door, please...
13 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Another crappy movie where millions of people die but, hey! It doesn't matter because the three unlikable main characters got saved, after sorting out stupid situation after stupid stuation and endangering everyone else with their selfish behaviour!. And right, yeah, governments spend public money building bunkers to save engineers and their families in case a meteorite strikes Earth, and also, good Samaritans carry people on their airplanes from Canada to Greenland for free, and at first you can only get to the bunkers strictly if you are elected by said government, and people will kill you for your ticket, but then it doesn't matter anymore and you can just knock on their doors and soldiers will send a truck to pick your sorry ass...and the list of ludicrous stuff goes on and on...It makes "2012" look like awards material...
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