Just another random generic vampire movie...
12 November 2020
"Brotherhood of Blood" was a movie that I hadn't even heard about prior to getting the chance to sit down and watch it here late in 2020. So this 2007 movie from writers and directors Michael Roesch and Peter Scheerer had completely managed to elude my attention.

When I sat down to watch "Brotherhood of Blood" it was because the movie had horror icons as Sid Haig and Ken Foree on the cast list. Sure, I wasn't really expecting much from the movie, given the movie's cover and the way those vampire teeth looked on Sid Haig.

Well, I will say that "Brotherhood of Blood" was watchable, but it was by no means an outstanding or particularly enjoyable or memorable vampire movie. If you enjoy vampire movies, then there are much better choices out there. But hey, at least "Brotherhood of Blood" didn't have sparkling golden vampires running around - and that always counts for something.

The storyline in "Brotherhood of Blood" was very much straight forward. Perhaps so much straight forward that it turned out to be generic and predictable. It was something that held back the movie in a way.

The acting in the movie was adequate, taking into considerations the limitations of the storyline and script.

As for the special effects in the movie, well let's just say that the special effects did work as intended, though you shouldn't be expecting a high-end scaled CGI or practical effects galore. The clip-on vampire teeth, though, were for the most parts just ridiculous to look at.

My rating of "Brotherhood of Blood" lands on a four out of ten stars. While the movie was watchable, this is hardly the type of vampire movie that will be watched a second time.
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