My Life Is Murder (2019– )
Charming Show. Quirky likable characters. I had fun watching it and there's an actual mystery to solve. Light-hearted mystery show.
10 November 2020
Lucy Lawless plays Alexa Crowe, an ex-cop called upon by an old colleague, Kieran, a detective with the police force, to help out with some unsolved cases. Helping them out is data analyst Madison. The main characters are charming, quirky, quick-witted, and have great camaraderie with each other. Love Alexa and Madison's banter. Sort of teasing with each other. Alexa has a cat. I love seeing Alexa's interactions with the cat.

The actual mystery is actually pretty good. There are plot holes. Mainly involving the follow-up after the cases are solved and Alexa's involvement with them. You know what? It's ok. This is a light-hearted mystery show. There are plot holes in every show I watch, and we all overlook them. No different here.

I think the strength of the show is in the personalities of the characters. They're quirky and different. It's refreshing. There's not much with big personal drama. We find out a touch here and there about the characters. But it doesn't dominate the show. You do get a sense the whatever happened with Alexa, her retirement, her husband's death, had an unusual effect on her. There's a story there that maybe will get fleshed out over time? We'll have to wait and see.

The humor in the show is different. It's not the typical mainstream type of humor you see in American shows. It's very conversational-based. Quick-witted and quirky.

I really liked it. At a time in the world when everything is dark and crazy, this show is a breath of fresh air. It's not gritty. Evil people aren't winning. The mysteries are nicely wrapped up. It's entertaining and great escapism. Lucy Lawless and her quirky character are fun to watch. I gave it a 10/10.

*edit (I notice some people don't care for the first episode. I liked it, but try at least two or three. I always watch at least three episodes of anything before I decide whether to quit or not. The episodes for season one are all one-offs. Not arc stories. If you're thinking of quitting after episode one, I recommend trying episode 4, 'Can't Stand the Heat,' which imo, is the funniest thus far. I wrote a review for that one. I also recommend episode 5. 'Feet of Clay,' which I think has many touching elements to it. It really does get better as the show goes on).
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