Not much of a plot, things just happen
10 November 2020
I kept imagining that if i were my teen self, I'd probably think this was "deep." But now i think it's pretentious!

I think it's high time young adult novels are written by younger adults, because these novels make teens look like these adults , and so deep and serious, when in reality there are moments of lightness as well.

The chemistry between the leads are good. Only thing that makes it watchable , apart from the cinematography.

This was okay. This is the same brand of pretentious as John Green. Sorry not sorry, but teens don't sound like a novelist.

Also, the lead guy was kinda a pushover. I get the trope of nerdy, artistic shy guy, whatever. But that doesn't make all of them the same, he could have come across as less pathetic and stronger boundaries ! Sad that teens are being pandered this crap as romance and coming-of-age. Your high school love doesn't have to a tumultuous tortured romance. 🙄🙄🙄 This is second only to those teen cancer movies, we need better genre!
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