House of Cards: Chapter 46 (2016)
Season 4, Episode 7
Back to the established formula
10 November 2020
Frank sizes up his republican opponent whilst dealing with potential threats from abroad.

This is an entertaining episode that for me takes the show back to its earlier style of Frank and Claire against the world. We are introduced to a new fresh-faced opponent and we see the Underwoods gearing up for the fight.

The plot again takes some suspension of disbelief to buy into. I'm a cynic and think its par for the course that governments use internet information as part of campaign research, so the big deal made over this is somewhat surprising. The gun control plot is a bit more interesting from my perspective as someone living in a country that doesn't have a gun culture so I'm keen to see where writers go with it.

Technically it is a well made episode, particularly the editing and how the scenes cross cut and jump cut to different visuals whilst keeping continuity with the subject matter. The cinematography is as great as ever and I enjoyed the use of music, particularly during Conway's cheesy, patriotic speech in front of the Brooklyn Bridge.

Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright are great as always and there is a nice scene with Boris McGiver and Constance Zimmer indicating that Frank's skeletons may yet be resurfaced.
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