Absolutely worst War Movie EVER and the 2nd worse is not even close.
8 November 2020
This was a absolutely terrible film. I have a kid across the street in the 8th grade that has made better movies and has more Film festival awards!

It was terribly acted, it was terribly directed. I've seen much better acting by high school students with zero talent. A 70 year old major? 2nd LT taking charge of 1st LTs? Fight scenes were as bad as I have ever seen, poorly blocked, poorly edited, poor sound effects and editing. And don't even get me started on the photography. Or on the military tactics.

Should be embarrassing to anyone connected. Whoever greenlighted this script should be out of a job. Director should never be given the reins again. Investors should sue.

WARNING. do not waste 85 minutes of your life on this.

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