Just Wright (2010)
Very cute romantic comedy
6 November 2020
In Just Wright, Queen Latifah's love life isn't her strongest suit. She's intelligent, responsible, skilled in her craft, kind, and supportive - all the qualities men repeatedly tell her make her a great friend. Her sister, Paula Patton, gets all the dates instead. Queenie's a big basketball fan, but Paula's only interested in becoming one of the player's wives so she can brag and have lots of money. When a basketball player, Common, gets injured, he gets taken care of by Queenie (she's a physical therapist). Do you think there's a love triangle in the works?

Paula Patton is so convincing in her role of the self-centered, foolish pretty sister, you'll want to throw something at the television set. It's hard to believe she's just acting, but let's give her the benefit of the doubt. If you have a sister, cousin, or friend who thinks her looks and charm can get her everything she wants, you'll love to hate her in this movie.

I'm always partial to Queen Latifah, since she's one of my favorites, so from the first minute of screen time I was rooting for her to find true love. I love her energy and confidence, and that in so many roles she's got a great head for business. This is such a cute romantic comedy, it'll have you coming back to it again and again. I've seen it three times already!
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