Wow.....loss for words
6 November 2020
I hung in there and watched the whole thing.....it was tough but I did it. Obviously, Mr. Escobar is a very talented movie maker, unfortunately, directing and acting aren't among his talents. I understand this project took 10 years to finish so I don't feel good about stomping on a person's passion but he's obviously too bias about his family to see the lack of acting talent they possess, that's the only reasoning I can find for having such inexperienced people in a project that he worked so long and hard on. The writing could have been better and the special effects were so-so but in truth , it was hard to concentrate on much with those horrible performances going on.....what was this guy thinking? The Mr. Rivero character had me completely confused and aggravated every time he was on screen and he managed to make 3 minutes seem like 20, same goes for the older brother character, only worse. Everyone knows how irritating it is to read an email filled with typos and the acting in this film left me feeling the same way, aggravated and a little angry, actually.....angry that he subjected us to these horrible performances just to try and further the family name. Family loyalty is great but Hell, Francis Ford Copolla denied hiring Nicolas Cage on the basis of being his nephew.....a little ( a lot) of that type of discipline was definitely needed here ...along with some self assessment. It's almost like after 10 years of work, he took no pride at all in the finished project or maybe he just got sick of it and just wanted it over, I'm honestly and completely baffled as to why a person would blatantly sabotage a project that at one time meant so much to him. If Mr. Escobar was truly impressed by these performances and honestly thought that they and himself gave performances worthy of a movie, then I truly hope he stays away from directing and acting and remains behind the scenes, he'll save himself a lot of money on his next project.
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