Totally Spies! (2001–2014)
Serves its purpose amazingly well
2 November 2020
I'm not gonna talk about the plot as if you're not already familiar with it thanks to other reviews (and just by watching a single episode, really).

While the show follows a formula, by switching it up with memorable villains (years later my friends and I recognize villains from watching this show as preteens) and cool gadgets the show stays watchable and interesting.

What makes this show truly good for a cartoon is its self-awareness and satire. While many will probably take the show at face value, it's supposed to be /funny/. Sam, Clover and Alex being "like, total" Beverly Hills teens is funny because it's non-problematic satire. It lightly pokes fun at the whole culture that's developed in these above-average rich areas where teens really don't need to worry about a lot, and it shows this by using every typical mannerism that they could've used. Despite this, the main characters aren't actually all that unlikable in my opinion, which is key to this show being watchable.On top of that, they're unrealistic spies, matching satire with fun mindless action.

My only real gripe is inconsistency with intelligence / power. One episode they'll resort to hand-to-hand combat (and prove to be good at it), the next they don't / flee for no real reason. And at times I feel like they just don't think all that logically for no real reason (perhaps to move the plot along at times, but at times it doesn't even seem to serve any purpose other than to make it seem more difficult). It's a cartoon with flawed logic to begin with, but I don't think that's a real excuse. Just think of better problems if you don't want them to solve it too easily.

The show, however, set out to achieve something and it achieves exactly that. With quickly paced episodes yet easy to follow plots the show is great for zoning out and having a good laugh.

8/10, expressive animation, good voice acting, but repetitive and boring at times.
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