Chicago Fire: I'm Not Leaving You (2019)
Season 7, Episode 22
Episode 722 had 2 disturbing subplots
1 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
1. The firefighters and ambo crew heap praise on a boy for driving his mother there to give birth. There is all kinds of wrong with this. That kid could have killed himself, his mother and unborn baby, and anybody he plowed into if he had missed that brick pillar and instead accelerated wildly up the driveway. A mother can give birth on her own. Or, here's an idea, he could have called 911 and the ambo crew could have either arrived there in time to aid in her birthing or been able to get her to a hospital. That boy should not have attempted to drive (very recklessly) his mother anywhere, endangering himself and everyone around him. More so, he should not have been praised by rescuers as a hero. Last I checked, first responders do not encourage that sort of behavior.

2. At Herrmann's lead, a small group of the firefighters push Ritter into hazing others. It's very old fashioned. In the 21st century, we've been referring to such behavior as bullying, and we've seen many examples of what they term "ball busting" go horribly wrong before in the show, so it's a mystery why they then try to encourage it in a new candidate. And, guess what, it did go horribly won't for Ritter. Even if it does seem or is intended to be lighthearted, it's a very fine line you walk into insulting, revolting, discriminatory behavior. It's not modern and seems very forced into someone's old fashioned ideals.
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