What the.. ?
31 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I really don't know what I just watched! I saw The first movie when it came out and was really excited for this sequel.. but what the hell just happened here? Zero character development, the story.. there is no story besides the fact she somehow is connected to one of the first movie characters and probably that was the only thing that made me watch this disaster till the end.. to see Nancy again.. for about 2 seconds.. in the whole movie.. yeah..

So many holes.. how was Helen connected to Nancy? Who or what was that Adam guy? He has a family crest with a snake and a knife.. cool.. and that's about it, all you get to know about this guy.. oh and he has 3 sons that are like just there.. adding zero to the movie (that scene where one of them is apparently sleep walking in Lily's room.. ???) What's the background on the other girls (I cant even remember their characters names, that's how good it was)? They were supposed to be the main characters.. When I saw "legacies" I was expecting that the girls were connected to the originals.. in some way.. but no, not even a tiny mention of them. Aaaand how did Nancy got pregnant if she was locked up in an asilum all this years?!

I just can't.. I'm sorry guys, but this one shouldn't exist.. :(
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