Three Seconds (2017)
Go watch Miracle (2004)
31 October 2020
Sure the movie is entertaining, given the fact that it plagiarized Miracle (2004). If you really think about it the movie makes very little sense both story wise and characters' motivation. The relationships of the characters have no actual development, there are a lot of plots that were put in simply for the dramatic effect. It is an insult to the actual people that are portrayed in the movie how they change all of them, almost if not all the characteristics of the players are made up and don't actually represent the people behind the names. Maybe worst of all is the advertising of the movie, getting called "a documentary" or saying that it is an accurate retelling, when it couldn't be farther from the truth. The director prides himself on the accuracy of the movie when a lot of things in the movie are anything but the truth. If you want to watch a better movie, with character motivations that make sense and a plot that doesn't contradict itself watch "Miracle".
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