The Sister (2020)
Confusion and no reality, and a central character who barely exists
29 October 2020
What do Nathan and his wife do for a living? They seem to live in a million-pound house, but Nathan sits around worrying, while his wife deals with 'contracts.' When they first meet, Holly is an estate agent although she says that's not her real vocation. Nathan is something to do with a radio station, although he also mumbles something about being a car dealer to Holly. When they're married, we occasionally see Nathan working in a flashy-looking office of some sort. Holly's parents live in a sumptuous detached house with gardens running down to the Thames (?) What have they done to achieve this wealth? As for Nathan, he has no family and no siblings. His parents don't exist, and we know nothing about his background.

When Nathan is questioned by the police, how do they know he was at the party? Did they simply question every person who showed up on CCTV? Ditto Bob. Why did they question him? Why does the WPC deliberately tell Nathan that he is not a suspect, because the sister turns up the flat of her ex-boyfriend (who?) after Nathan & Bob appear to have buried her corpse? If the police really think Nathan is not a suspect, why does the WPC restart her investigations a few years later?

Is it 'just a coincidence' that our WPC happens to be a friend of Holly's family?

The whole thing (the 'final' episode is tonight) makes no sense, has no reality. It's set in a world where no one really exists. Maybe it will all be 'explained' tonight, but somehow I doubt it.
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