Crimson Peak (2015)
Really underrated
28 October 2020
I am not sure honestly why this movie got so much hate . It was INCREDIBLY visually appealing, the colors , cinematography, costume design , casting, dialogue and overall feel we're on point .

Plot wise , it wasn't meant to be scary, give cheap thrills or make you jump. It set out to be a time piece in which everything was supposed to look and feel as it would in the late 1800s, and it did . This was focused on the fact that the real ghosts in our lives are emotion, trauma and intuition and we need to learn to let some go and keep others with us.

There are some BRUTAL scenes but they are placed well and used to add effect . It was a little predictable , but I don't think that's always a bad thing. It set out to be a story with a ghost (s)in it, but a ghost story and it did a great job of this and creating the incredible tension between all of the characters .

I think this is one of his best and I would highly recommend it .
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