Review of React Quotes

The Wire: React Quotes (2008)
Season 5, Episode 5
Starting to lose its way....
26 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Every episode that goes by this serial killer storyline gets more ridiculous, whether it be through its lack of logic (bite marks? Seriously?) or the character assassination of McNulty and particularly Freamon who has historically been the show's most morally upright character. I was originally open to the journalism storyline too however the character of Scott Templeton is utterly pointless and the whole time he's on screen I'm wondering why he bothered becoming a journalist in the first place when he can't even do basic investigative work. Overall the writing is just not at the same standard of subtlety and intelligence anymore; even the gunfight scene with Omar felt like something out of a boring action movie and it was very uncharacteristic of Omar to go in all guns blazing knowing that the Stanfield crew were waiting for his every move. All that being said, I do still find Marlo and his crew interesting and enjoy the presence of other characters like Clay Davis but I hope that we get to some action soon since we are only 5 episodes away from the finale...
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