Christmas Unwrapped (2020 TV Movie)
Crash and burn
25 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The movie was going so well. Nothing spectacular, but a nice story with great potential.

I often remark about how you don't expect these movies to be too close to reality, but this movie crosses the line. And I'm not talking about the implication that a real Santa is behind the remarkable things NSB is doing. That's acceptable poetic license.

Charity is a bit naïve for an investigative reporter. Again, not her implicit acceptance of the supernatural, but her belief that her boss would accept anything less than an expose. Likes Charity was naïve in not expecting that something was up that would come back to hurt her. Even in today's world where news outlets don't care about honesty and accuracy, Charity's boss commits a crime that is far too easy to prove, based on writer's notes, email copies, witnesses, employment paper trail and writing style, when she keeps Charity's byline but rewrites the article. The stringent standards for libel wouldn't protect Janet. Janet would never be so stupid. So the entire climactic conflict collapses. (Sadly, the unproven speculation would barely be noticed.)

Take that stupidity out and adjust that conflict and this is easily a movie worth at least 7 stars and probably closer to 9 or 10.

There are some tender moments worth the viewing effort. Many of these moments fit right into the movie's theme about the true spirit of Christmas. The story of the relationship between Charity and Erik establish good chemistry between Amber Stevens West and Marco Grazzini. It was fun to watch the changes in Charity.
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