That Guy's Lace Front Tho!
25 October 2020
To be clear, I haven't seen this movie, nor do I want to. I'd just like to point out that, being a longtime fan of Dingo's masterpieces, I know exactly what they're all about. All I needed to see was a single thumbnail to make a single judgement. I've seen just about every lazy, copied & recycled awful character model that they have, so seeing a live action actor was a bit of a rare treat. Given that info, I can safely say that the guy's white wig is probably the best thing Dingo has ever put into one of their films. However, I'm pretty sure they stole the d-mn thing, because they steal everything. If you have the balls to steal other ppl's cartoons & call them your own, then you definitely have the balls to steal a freaking wig. It's not rocket science. Peace, yo, XSvendSorenson Ps stealing is bad. Don't be like Dingo. Don't steal, kids! Copyright is very real, & they will have your a$$ if you do. Usually. Unless you're Dingo. Then you'll somehow magically get away with it. That's how Dingo magic works. It's the opposite of Disney Magic, & also it's a lot less magical.
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