Review of Seizure

Seizure (2019)
Over-deep and under-catchy
24 October 2020
Besatt started interesting and promising, but then the dreams and flashbacks began to add confusion (some remained totally unclear), and the course of events and construction of scenes became too far-fetched. Well, Oslo is not among the biggest city in the world, but the intertwining of past and present was a bit too much within a small group of people, and several supporting characters did not provide additional value to the Series. So, suddenly the final episode had to finalise stuff not properly dealt with before, becoming a hasty round-up of otherwise protracted scenes. The main cast, the 2 (Anders Baasmo Christiansen, Anders Danielsen Lie), are well performed, not talkative and pensive as Norwegians tend to be,.. But the best performance is apparently by Marius Kolbenstvedt, although his character had too little significance for the whole narration. So, Besatt is not a flop, but rather mediocre, as Norway has produced many really interesting and versatile series this century. It is not a must to see.
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