A pretty good low budget movie.
24 October 2020
Overall Young Cannibals is your typical low budget horror flick. Not a great movie, but not bad. It did a decent job with what it was given. The actors are pretty good, the monster effects were decent, and the story is actually rather original.

The main two problems I had with the movie was that it took a while to start. They spent about half an hour setting up the plot, which was excessive. They could have basically had it all done in about 5 minutes and gotten the ball rolling. A bit too much of an attempt at being deep and artistic. It's a low budget horror, it's not art, so don't try.

Second issue was that the monster's rules were kind of erratic. Sometimes it's the slow creeping doom that stalks up on them. Other times it seems to be able to instantly appear wherever it needed to be. It might be methodical at one point, and then be able to grab someone and vanish like a ninja in a heartbeat. I think they needed to nail that down to be more consistent.

Other than that, it's a quite enjoyable movie. Nothing award winning, but a decent way to kill an evening.
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