The Outpost (2019)
real story done well
23 October 2020
PRT Kamdesh was built in a remote Afghan valley surrounded by the Hindu Kush mountains. The American soldiers defend the badly situated camp against constant attacks from positions above. In 2006, 55 allied soldiers are attacked by an estimated 400 enemy force.

It's a compelling story and a harrowing fight for survival. The battle is riveting. It's based on the true events. Scott Eastwood is probably the most recognizable face. He also has the John Wayne character. It is a real life story partly turned into a John Wayne movie. That's probably its weakest aspect where the enemy is always standing up right and taking a full load of bullets in the chest. For some reason, they are gathered up in a group always ready to be mowed down. The Rambo sensibility is its Archilles' heel. The battle is still top level action although the soldiers really need to dig underground tunnel access to the ammunition depot instead of playing cards, pumping iron, or jerking off to other people's wives. The other minor issue is the large number of characters. It's to be expected from this real life war story. In some ways, this may be better as a limited series on a streaming service. It deserves a six hour treatment. As it stands at two hours, it's a bit too long for a theatrical movie anyways. All in all, this is a compelling true story done relatively well.
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