The Empty Man (2020)
A Pleasantly dark surprise
23 October 2020
I went into The Empty Man not knowing anything about it. It was dumped out of nowhere and by the looks of the trailer I figured why. It seemed like a teen horror in the vein of countdown, truth or dare, or even bye bye man. But after the first twenty minutes of this film, I knew I was in for something much different. There is some truly chilling scenes in here, and the atmosphere just adds to the sense of dread. Now the climax of the film does get a bit clunky, but I imagine with this being based on a comic series, it's a lot more flushed out there, but even with an almost 2 1/2 hour run time, it felt like more was needed to be explained. Overall I came out of the empty man not feeling empty at all. It deserves an audience.
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