It doesn't scare, but it entertains.
22 October 2020
I am an avowed fan of horror films but I must confess that films with haunted houses are so common that it gradually became uninteresting. Still, there's nothing like giving new material a chance. That's what I did here. And I was reasonably satisfied: its a film that knows how to build atmosphere and tension and a pleasant mystery, even if its not capable of frightening.

Everything takes place in the swamps of the suburbs of the mysterious old New Orleans. In an old colonial house lives an elderly couple who hires Caroline, a nurse and elderly caregiver who goes to that house at the hand of the family notary in order to care for Ben, the family patriarch, very weakened by a stroke that left him disabled. But it doesn't take long for the young woman to discover that the house hides many ancient secrets and some of these secrets can really be a threat.

As a pure horror film its weak... but it has a satisfactory cast and a tense atmosphere that, coupled with a decent script, with the inclusion of witchcraft and vodoo themes (it's New Orleans, how could we not think in this?) helps the plot and serves as glue to everything we have here. I felt that the character Caroline is not developed properly and is poorly presented to the public, since we don't know much about her and that makes her a figure more than a character that we can feel and that touches us. Even so, it is a functional film that delivers more or less what it promises, despite not being able to scare or go beyond tension and some occasional chills.

The cast has several names of some weight. Peter Sarsgaard is the most resonant name, but he is guarded by a character who doesn't appear that much but guarantees him a minimum of presence. Kate Hudson is elegant and beautiful, and knows how to play her role, but does not seem to feel her character as she should, in some scenes that seem less well worked or well Gena Rowlands, in turn, is extraordinary and makes a character truly colossal.

Technically, I would like to highlight the quality of cinematography and the work of filming and editing, which gave the film a very important visual beauty to build the environment that the film requires. The scenes and landscapes of the swamps and the city are excellent and were used in the best way. The effects are minimal, but they fulfill their role, the sets and costumes, as well as the Swedish landscapes (with or without snow) increase the visual beauty of the whole set. The soundtrack does its job well.
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