The Bad Batch (2016)
I was rendered speechless
19 October 2020
This film was Jason Momoa and Keanu Reeves in it... It's from the director of A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night, a real surprise hit of a vampire movie. It's set in the dystopian Mad Max future where a crippled woman has to face a desert full of monsters and rapists with her guts and prosthetic limb alone.

This should have been amazing.

But the execution is the key in everything that is ever done. And that fails on all the levels here. This film has no idea what it should be doing. It has no direction. No rhyme, no rhythm. It's not tasteless enough to be a gore film, nor is it coherent enough to be proper dystopian science fiction. Its actors seem to have had next to no direction whatsoever as they're mainly just reading out their lines with no inflection whatsoever.

And it's just so amazingly disjointed. The story wanders from one scene to another and nothing about it makes any sense. It's like someone smashed two completely different stories together and then tried to parse together a narrative from the ashy remains of their cliff notes.

The worst crime this film is guilty of, however, is the fact that it criminally misuses its Momoa and Reeves. The two should have been the highlight of the film, but instead they're just about the most baffling and boring part of it. Which boggles the mind. How is that even possible!?

Hard skip on this one.
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