Love, Take Two (2019 TV Movie)
To be...real, unreal, relatable and realistic
19 October 2020
Finally, a Hallmark movie that folks can relate to! Most of their cookie-cutter flicks are so over the top unreal and the acting boring or bad or both but, there was almost none of that this time around. Cornelius Smith, Jr of course is a great actor and though I had never heard of Heather Hemmens before, I found her performance pleasant and realistic. Given that the ex boyfriend was about to marry someone else on the show produced by the character Heather portrays, the restraint in their passion was believable. However, their feelings were definitely brooding underneath the surface. The interaction between the lead actor and his friend/best man felt so natural -like they'd actually been friends for a substantial part of their lives. It was fine that there was no drama between Lily and Brynn because in real life there isn't always turmoil between ex girlfriend and current girlfriend. If you want that kind of drama I suggest you watch The Bold and the Beautiful. The actress who played the ex boyfriend's mother was charming. I wish Hallmark would give Leanne Lapp or Casey Manderson the lead in one of their films already. As long as Alicia Witt doesn't star I do like the majority of Hallmark's productions and all in all this film was a delight to watch.
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