Review of Helstrom

Helstrom (2020)
90 minutes of story in 10 episodes
18 October 2020
Helstrom isn't terrible, but nor is it particularly good. It suffers from the curse of the Netflix/Hulu format - 10 long episodes dumped for streaming, that forces producers to fill the long minutes with needless back cuts, dreary prologue and stuffy detail. As a result the story drags painfully to a predictable, tiresome conclusion signalled several episodes in advance. It doesn't help that the underlying story is basically an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the acting is patchy - Sydney Lemmon is remarkable, Tom Austen is lost playing a character so dull and uptight that nobody could ever have made them interesting. It's not all bad, though. The cinematography is incredible, the soundtrack is great, the wardrobes are sublime (Ana's clothes), the sets... well... All in all, there are good bits in Helstrom, but the whole is a lot less than the sum of its parts.
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