Breaking Bad: Buyout (2012)
Season 5, Episode 6
Walt, revealed
18 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Walt, balking at an opportunity to retire with $5 million, shows what a grim narcissistic type of character he is. Everything has always been about him, all along. His claim of doing it all for his family is shown to be false; he has to be a kingpin to make up for letting himself be frozen out of a company, decades ago, that he thinks he founded without the help of his partners.

Walt is delusional in thinking that he is even qualified to be more than a meth cook. He's a bungler who makes truly stupid decisions based upon his overinflated view of himself. I'll keep watching, hoping to see him get taken down as he deserves to be.

So many people I know of who have loved this series seem to miss this side of the Walt character. Jesse asks him, "Are we in the meth business or the money business?" Just making the money that could give his family some security doesn't even appeal to Walt if it doesn't include being a kingpin.

Walt isn't what so many viewers seem to see him as.
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