Review of The Pay-Off

The Pay-Off (1930)
Pay Off short changes.
17 October 2020
Lowell Sherman offers up a more refined gang kingpin of the era in Payoff. Sophisticated, tasteful and the direct opposite of contemporary thugs Cagney and Robinson he rules with brains and not brawn. His success as a thief he believes is in leaving violence and bloodshed out of the equation. When an underling makes his move and resorts to brutality his empire begins to crumble.

Directed as well as having the lead Sherman aquits himself marginally in both in this decently paced, lushly designed in art deco offbeat mobster flick. The dialog is trite however, displaying an obsession with the word "gat" (gun) and simply falls apart around the moronic supporting performance of Tommy by William Janney who mars the whole picture in more than one pivotal scene with his over the top gullible hayseed delivery. Marian Nixon ably assists in the cloying department. Pay Off comes up a few bucks short.
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