African Skies (1992–1994)
Tom and Huck in South Africa
17 October 2020
Sadly this Canadian based series did not have a longer run. African Skies was a tale of post apartheid South Africa as seen through the eyes of two adolescents just about hitting puberty. Simon James and Rousnet Brown are the boys and they have some Tom Sawyer/Huckleberry Finn like adventures that Mark Twain surely would have recognized.

James's mother is Catherine Bach who a decade earlier was Daisy Duke on the Dukes Of Hazzard. She's matured now and runs a ranch and tends to the wildlife much like Daktari did back in the 0s. Her father is Robert Mitchum.

Mitchum was a last minute replacement for Glenn Ford ho had heart and lung issues that forced his retirement. Ironically Mitchum's health was also declining and he died almost decade before Ford.

It was a nice series and sadly it only lasted 2 seasons. Probably the expense of shooting in South Africa and the boys growing up so that they would no longer be believable as modern day Tom and Hucks.

Wish a nostalgia channel would pick this up,
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