A Family for Joe: A Family for Joe (1990)
Season 1, Episode 0
Faux Grandpa
16 October 2020
At the age of 73 Robert Mitchum embarked on one of the most unusual projects in his career. Probably no one ever associated Mitchum with doing a family situation comedy. But here he was in a pilot for such a show in A Family For Joe.

The four Bankston kids who lost both parents in a plane crash are about to be split up and they don't want that. They have a grandfather who no one has seen in 40 years since he walked out on the family. So they go grandpa hunting.

They find Mitchum sleeping in a cardboard box and homeless and when he saves them from being mugged. He might be just the ticket. And of course he grows i to the job.

I can't help thinking that Robert Mitchum who actually spent time on a Georgia chain gang and as a hobo on the road in his youth understood this man well. What you see is Mitchum if he had never followed the life path that led him to Hollywood, he channeled those experiences good.

One thing that must have given some a jolt is Mitchum of all people warning the oldest kid Chris Furth against the evils of demon weed. His marijuana smoking nearly ended a budding career in 1949. But you nary see a tongue bulging in the man's cheek.

The show was picked up but did not last. I guess it was a bit too old fashioned for the 90s. Still it's a pleasant bit of family viewing.
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