See No Evil 2 (2014)
Direct to DVD sequel... and it shows.
16 October 2020
The first one is not really a milestone of the horror or slasher genre but its good fun, its a very decent movie and does what its supose to do. This direct to dvd/video sequel start right where the first one left off, even if in real time it was 6 years later (not that you can notice by looking at Kane at least) and you would expect it to be similar to the first one. In a way it is, but not really. The main problem the movie has for me is that Kane is let loose in an unknown place to him yet simingly knows everything and every corridors and manage to trap the cast at every turn, despite some of them working there for a long while and should be knowing the location much better than him.

When finally someone ousmart him a bit, no worry, he will burst right trough it even if its kinda unrealistic even for a man his size.

Its really one of those movies where you have to turn your brain off to enjoy but i know peoples will say "but dude its a slasher, does it really matter, its not what we care about". Alright. How is the movie if you let that slip?

Well its ..."alright". I mean its a decent slasher but its nothing more. Kills are not that originals, location is basic and as i said above at times have its problem, but the cast is mostly likable enough to make you care about them. You have 2 recognizable scream queens in Danielle Harris and Katharine Isabelle so its thats... and they both do a good job.

I had a decent time so thats why im giving him a 6, using the "Angry Joe scale" of "slightly above average" . I had a decent time, i was not bored, but i probably ain't gonna rewatch it because unlike classic slashers there is no reasons to me.
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