Sinister (I) (2012)
An Overcritized modern Horror classic
15 October 2020
My brother took me to see this in theatres when I was 13. He told me he was taking me to see an action movie (which is all I liked at that age) boy was I susprised. I now appreciate it because I now have a love for Horror. It took me a few years to watch again. This time with a more fresh perspective and an interest in the genre. I found Sinister to represent everything that can go right with modern horror. Because most modern horror tends to lack the suspsense, the in-depth writing, convincing performances and humam emotion that classic horror films like The Exorsist, The Omen, etc had. Which I believe Sinister has those elements and more. Ethan Hawk's performance as well as character in the film are shockingly coherent to that of Rosemary's baby John Cassavetes as well as an almost representation of how Ethan Hawks own career was going at the time of this film. It gives his character life and allows ethan hawk to give a real performance and relatability to the character. The supporting cast did a great Job as well, especially the wife. The build up of suspense and tension happens almost immediatly, and doesn't stop until the climax of the film. And unlike a lot of modern horror this film is pretty freaking scary. Especially on the first watch. The story itself is completely fresh most supernatural horror films don't have such an in depth and 3 dimensional story. Even the Conjuring (great film) had the basic move into a haunted house story without much else. Which of course sinister still has the haunted house theme but brings in so many freah ideas you forget that this movie follows that modern concept. He moves into the house because of his ego, his desire to be famous again overcomes his responsibility to keep his family safe. Sinister also uses modern technology to its advantage with creepy camera angles, effective lighting techniques, the super 8 films and great sound mixing as well as a very suspenseful soundtrack, that keeps giving me goosebumps no matter how many times I watch it. Sinister is a very dark demonic murder story that combines classic horror themes like rosemarys baby and the amittyville horror into a modern classic. Im sorry to those who dislike this movie, you really are missing out.
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